2021-2022 College Catalog 
    Mar 02, 2025  
2021-2022 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Nursing, A.S.

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Chairperson, Department of Nursing - Nicole Custer, PhD, RN, CCRN-K

All students in the Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) program are considered to be in the two-plus-two (2+2) Associate of Science/Bachelor of Science program, as the intent is that students will continue seamlessesly to complete the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree.

The ASN Degree curriculum at Mount Aloysius College provides an education to prepare graduates as professional nurses, qualified to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) for registered nurses following graduation. A blending of theory classes, campus laboratory & simulation experiences, seminars, and clinical agency experiences enable students to achieve established program and student learning outcomes. The general education and professional components of the curriculum are designed to provide graduates with knowledge, skills, and competencies to function effectively in acute, long-term, and community-based settings.

The following end of program student learning outcomes will be achieved by the Mount Aloysius College ASN graduates:

  1. Patient- Family Centered Care: Engage in partnership with the patient or designee to plan, advocate for and provide care that is consistent with the patient’s and family’s culture, values, beliefs, and needs.
  2. Teamwork & Collaboration: Engage in effective communication and collaborative practice to provide coordinated and integrated patient care.
  3. Evidence Based Practice: Evaluate the plan of care using best available evidence, patient values, preferences, and clinical judgement.
  4. Informatics: Utilize health information and communication technologies to support safety, decision making, outcome/data analysis and the promotion of health literacy.
  5. Quality Improvement: Formulate care practices that incorporate quality improvement measures to ensure optimal patient outcomes.
  6. Safety: Create a culture of safety that minimizes harm to patients and providers and increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes.

The ASN Degree in Nursing Program must be completed within (3) years of starting the first nursing course. In addition, the pre-requisite course of BIOL 201  - Anatomy and Physiology I must have been satisfactorily completed with a “C” grade and the student must have satisfactorily completed Nursing ABC Math 091 if required by TEAS Math sub-score prior to enrolling in the first nursing course. The student is considered a “Non-Matriculated Nursing Student” until the required pre-requisite course requirements have been met.


The ASN Degree Nursing Program is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing and accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850
Atlanta, GA 30326

Admission Requirements

NOTE: All decisions regarding admission to the nursing program at Mount Aloysius College are made by the Nursing Department.

Students requesting admission to the ASN Degree program must have been admitted to the College and meet the following admission requirements:

1. First time college student applicants who have graduated from high school less than two (2) years and/or have less than 24 credits of post-secondary education must:

  • have achieved a combined SAT Critical Reading and Math score of 1000 OR an ACT composite score of 22;
  • achieve a composite score of 59% on the designated pre-entrance nursing exam (ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills - TEAS). The applicant has a maximum of two attempts on the exam to achieve a satisfactory score, whether the exams are taken at MAC or another location,;
  • have completed work equal to a standard high school course inclusive of a minimum of 16 units, including:
    • four units of English,
    • three units of social studies,
    • two units of mathematics (one of which is Algebra), and
    • two units of science with a related laboratory, (Biology and Chemistry recommended). The two units of science with a related laboratory and Algebra must be completed with a minimum grade of “C”;
  • minimum high school GPA of 2.50;
  • if math remediation is required based on TEAS Math Sub-Score of <60%, must complete NursingABC MAT091, which is pre-requisite to admission to the major; and

  • have completed BIOL 201  - Anatomy and Physiology I or its equivalent with a minimum grade of “C” in both theory and lab. All science courses must have been completed within the past seven (7) years.

2.  Transfer applicants, who have graduated from high school and completed 24 or more credits of post-secondary education must:

  • achieve a composite score of 59% on the designated pre-entrance exam (ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills - TEAS). The applicant has a maximum of two attempts on the exam to achieve a satisfactory score;
  • demonstrate a minimum 2.50 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) on most recent post-secondary education as verified by official transcript;
  • have completed BIOL 201  - Anatomy and Physiology I or its equivalent with a minimum grade of “C” in both theory and lab. All science courses must have been completed within the past seven (7) years;
  • have completed a college-level writing course with a minimum “C” grade

3. Transfer applicants who have had previous nursing education courses are required to meet the admission requirements as stated above for transfer students and sign and send to the previous nursing program(s) a request for confidential reference. In addition, the applicant may apply to take a challenge* exam(s). To begin the challenge exam process, the applicant must submit a course syllabus and calendar to the Department Chairperson at least five (5) weeks prior to the start of the semester or earlier. An applicant wishing to challenge a course must have successfully completed a comparable course (including clinical if applicable) at an accredited school within the past three (3) years. Challenge exams must be completed by June 30 for Fall admission and by December 15 for Spring admission. The following Associate Degree nursing courses may be challenged -

  • NUAS 130   - Adult Nursing I (7 credits)
  • NUAS 220   - Nursing Pharmacology (3 credits)
  • NUAS 240   - Nursing of the Family (5 credits)
  • NUAS 275   - Mental Health Nursing (3 credits)

    *Note: Challenge exams are accomplished by using standardized exams.

4. Students granted readmission to the nursing program may be required to challenge* or retake nursing courses that were successfully completed at Mount Aloysius College within the past three (3) years prior to re-admission. Courses taken more than three years prior to readmission cannot be challenged and must be repeated.


Pre-Nursing Status
An applicant is identified as pre-nursing when he/she has met all admission requirements, but has not completed the pre-requisite course requirements. Once pre-requisite course requirements are met the applicant must complete the Internal Nursing Audit Form.

Clinical Enrollment Requirements**

Prior to the start of a clinical nursing course, the student must submit the following:

  1. A completed health form, physical exam and required titers and immunizations;
  2. Two-Step PPD or agency accepted equivalent
  3. Urine Drug screen from the start of the first clinical course. Additional urine drug screens may be required;
  4. PA Criminal Background***, FBI Fingerprinting*** and Child Abuse History Clearances***; and
  5. CPR Certification (American Heart Association Healthcare Provider or American Red Cross Professional Rescuer which includes Adult, Child, Infant and AED) within 30 days of the start of the semester
  6. Students who withdraw from the program must submit new PA Criminal Background Check, FBI Fingerprinting and other documentation required by the college or clinical agencies.

**Students must have health requirements confirmed by Health Services prior to participation in clinical experiences. The MAC School of Nursing Prohibitive Offense Policy guides decisions related to background check findings. Healthcare agencies have the right to deny employment or clinical experiences based on background checks.

***Nursing students must comply with the requirement of the Professional Nursing Law of Pennsylvania (Act of April 14, 1972, P.L. 233, No 64) known as “The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act.”

General Information

Information related to progression throughout the ASN program includes the following:

  1. Completion of all pre- or co-requisite courses, as listed in the current catalog, with a minimum “C” grade prior to graduation;
  2. Completion of all nursing courses with a minimum 75%;
  3. Completion of all clinical nursing courses with a “P” in the clinical component of the course;
  4. Maintenance of a cumulative grade point average of 2.30;
  5. Annual One-Step PPD is required after the initial 2-Step PPD;
  6. CPR re-certification if a student’s CPR certification expires prior to program completion;
  7. Students are expected to adhere to the Policies and Procedures set forth in the MAC School of Nursing Student Policy and Procedure Manual;
  8. The ratio of credit hours to contact hours is as follows: Theory (1:1), Clinical (1:3), Seminar (1:3);
  9. Clinical site availability is dependent on many factors and varies from semester to semester. No guarantee can be made to students regarding placement at any particular clinical site. Placement in a nursing course that is being repeated is on a space-available basis. Transportation to clinical sites is not provided by Mount Aloysius College. Each student is required to provide his or her own transportation to and from clinical sites.Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

To graduate, students must complete all general education core requirements (listed in the current College Catalog) and all nursing requirements for the ASN Degree.

The ASN Degree must be completed within six (6) years of starting the first nursing course.

Students must complete their final thirty (30) semester hours before graduation in Mount Aloysius College.


Students are assessed a one-time nursing clinical education fee to cover expenses connected with the clinical education requirements. This fee is included in the NUAS 130  - Adult Nursing I and NUAS 115  - LPN to RN Transition courses. Included in this fee is one urine drug screen, PA Criminal Background, FBI fingerprinting, Child Abuse Clearance and CPR certification. If additional criminal background checks, child abuse clearance or urine drug screens are required, the student is responsible for the costs. The clinical education fee also includes the purchase of a Nurse Pak, which includes equipment needed for skill performance.

The ATI Comprehensive Assessment and Remediation Program, Modules and Tutorials are utilized in the ASN Degree program. Students are assessed a competency testing fee for the program at the beginning of each semester.

*Articulation Criteria for LPN Advanced Standing

LPN candidates are required to meet the requirements of the College along with the ASN program admission criteria and complete all pre-enrollment and enrollment requirements. In addition, applicants must submit official transcripts and proof of current or previous LPN license in good standing as a requirement for admission. Applicants articulating directly from LPN programs must obtain LPN licensure by the completion of the semester that NUAS 115 is taken.

LPN applicants meeting the articulation criterion may be granted a maximum of twelve (12) credits in nursing; seven (7) credits following successful completion of NUAS 115   - LPN to RN Transition and five (5) credits for Nursing of the Family Challenge.

In order to receive the seven (7) credits, the applicant must have graduated within the past three years from an LPN program, have work experience as an LPN equivalent to 1000 hours in the past three years, or have completed an approved refresher course. Applicants licensed for greater than three years must submit employer verification of work experience. If the applicant meets these criteria, seven (7) credits will be given after successful completion of NUAS 115  - LPN to RN Transition course.

If the applicant does not meet the articulation criteria, the applicant must take the NLN PN-RN Nursing Accelerated Challenge Exam (NACE I) Foundations of Nursing and obtain a passing score of 75% and complete NUAS 115 with a grade of 75% or better to receive the seven (7) credits.

In order to receive the five (5) credits, the applicant must successfully obtain a Level 2 proficiency on the ATI RN Nursing Care of Children AND the ATI RN Maternal Newborn. Both of these exams must be successfully completed by the end of NUAS 115  - LPN to RN Transition. If unsuccessful on the exams, the applicant will be required to take NUAS 240  - Nursing of the Family.

The NLN (NACE I) required for LPN Advanced Standing placement requires fee payment prior to taking the exam.

Prior to enrolling in Level III Nursing courses, NUAS 260  - Adult Nursing II and NUAS 275  - Mental Health Nursing, the student must have completed the following:

  • BIOL 201   - Anatomy and Physiology I  
  • BIOL 202   - Anatomy and Physiology II  
  • ICT 101   - Information Literacy  
  • ICT 230   - Technology for the Nursing Professional
  • ENGL 110  - Rhetoric I
  • LIBA 150   - College Success & the Mercy Experience  
  • PSYC 101   - General Psychology  
  • PSYC 102   - Human Growth and Development  
  • NUAS 115   - LPN to RN Transition  
  • NUAS 220   - Nursing Pharmacology  
  • NUAS 130   - Adult Nursing I  - advanced credit following successful completion of NUAS 115   and the Fundamentals Skill Challenge or satisfactory score on the NACE 1 Foundations of Nursing and successful completion of the Fundamentals Skill Challenge
  • NUAS 240   - Nursing of the Family - or advanced credit upon completion of the ATI exams (ATI RN Nursing Care of Children and the ATI RN Maternal Newborn).
  • All required pre-requisite courses (Nursing ABC Math 091 if required by TEAS Math Sub-Score)

Core Course Requirements


Art/English/Music/Theatre/Social Science

History/Political Science

  • HIST or PLSC 3 Credits


Information Communication Technologies

Religious Studies

  • RLST 3 Credits

Cultural Diversity

Total Credits in Core: 23 Credits

Major Course Requirements

Total Credits in Major: 34 Credits

(Includes 3 credits for the Cultural Diversity requirement)

Other Required Coursework

Total Credits in Other Required Coursework: 11 Credits

Total Credits for Degree: 68 Credits

* Must have a minimum “C” grade

** Must have a minimum 75% or better

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